W4.0 Fight Club: Public vs Private
Fight Club: Public vs Private
March 18 - 24, 2013 |
Task List
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4.1 Facebook Fan Pages
- Read about the Purpose of a Facebook Fan Page
- Learn how to Design and Launch a Fan Page (note: you don't have to launch one, just learn about how)
- Visit several example pages and Observe Fan Pages in Action
- Be a sleuth and see if you can determine the Purpose of a FB Fan Page
- Either offer up an example Page or provide creative status update ideas for the Pages of your classmates in the Fan Page Brainstorming Exercise Links to an external site.
4.2 In Defense of Public
- Watch the videos and read the articles on the Benefits of Being Public
- Read the articles and watch the videos on The New Commons: Is Privacy Possible?
- Participate in the Discussion: Free Services for Data - Fair Trade? Links to an external site.
4.3 The Privacy Advocates
- Check out the privacy "creep" for sites like Facebook on the page Public Creep: Privacy Loss
- Watch the video and read the article on Social Media as Big Brother
- Complete the web search activities and read the articles on the page How Much Is Too Much?
- Complete one of the two activities suggested for the Tweetchat: Social Media Bill of Rights
4.4 Anonymity: A Contradiction of Sorts
- Watch the documentary, We are Legion and the associated materials.
- Watch the videos on the page Anonymity
- Participate in the Discussion: Anonymity Pros and Cons Links to an external site.
Supplemental Books
- Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way We Work and Live, by Jeff Jarvis [under $11]
- I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did: Social Networks and the Death of Privacy, by Lori Andrews [under $10]
- We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency, by Parmy Olson [under $20]
Learning Objectives
- Explain the purpose of a Facebook Fan page and determine if the use of one would be appropriate for a particular business, organization, or individual.
- Be able to give creative examples of how page status updates contribute to the completion of a particular page's goal.
- Give examples of how the world benefits from individuals and companies being public with their social media.
- Speak intelligently about the privacy policies of various social media companies.
- Explain how privacy has shifted with various changes to Facebook over the years.
- Give examples of how the police and intelligence agencies use Social Media.
- Read and evaluate the Social Media Bill of Rights.
- Explain how the group Anonymous is both an example of a Publicness Champion and a Privacy Advocate within the same organization.