W4.0 Fight Club: Public vs Private

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Fight Club:

Public vs Private


March 18 - 24, 2013


Intro to Fight Club Links to an external site.

Task List

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4.1 Facebook Fan Pages

4.2 In Defense of Public

4.3 The Privacy Advocates

4.4 Anonymity: A Contradiction of Sorts

Supplemental Books

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the purpose of a Facebook Fan page and determine if the use of one would be appropriate for a particular business, organization, or individual.
  • Be able to give creative examples of how page status updates contribute to the completion of a particular page's goal.
  • Give examples of how the world benefits from individuals and companies being public with their social media.
  • Speak intelligently about the privacy policies of various social media companies.
  • Explain how privacy has shifted with various changes to Facebook over the years.
  • Give examples of how the police and intelligence agencies use Social Media.
  • Read and evaluate the Social Media Bill of Rights.
  • Explain how the group Anonymous is both an example of a Publicness Champion and a Privacy Advocate within the same organization.