Independent Reading Blogs

  • Due No due date
  • Points 50
  • Questions 14
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


You should continue your independent reading. Read widely, including your choice novel, current events, and other people's blogs. You will post 3 blog entries during the week and post 4 thoughtful responses to various blogs of your choice. Here are some guidelines:

Blog posts should include:

  • 1 blog post that is a reading response to the book you are reading. You can focus on any element of the book you wish to talk about. Remember it is a response, not a retelling. Consider using anything we will be talking about this week: archetypes, elements that make a good story, genre, for example. Don't forget to include the title of book in italics, and the author's name.
  • 1 blog post that is your commentary on current events. Select an article from any news source you like. Write your response to that article. Remember to embed a link to this article in your post, so we can refer to the original article.
  • 1 blog post that on anything of your own choosing. This can be a creative piece you are writing, or have already written. It could be part of your imaginary story. 
  • Open and reread your posts after publishing. Edit if necessary. Capture the link to each post to submit to Canvas.

Each blog post should include:

  • a picture
  • 350 - 500 words
  • appropriate grammar and punctuation
  • appropriate formatting
  • interesting, inviting ideas that incite other people's comments (How do you like the alliteration?)
Comments should include:
  • Read and comment on 4 blogs that you find anywhere. You may choose from our class' blogs or you can post comments on blogs you follow outside of school. 
  • Be sure to keep track of where you comment so you can submit the link to your comments when you turn this assignment in.
  • Comments should be thoughtful, and written in complete sentences of about 3-5 intelligent ideas.
  • Add to the conversation. Be SMART!

Don't wait to the last minute. People cannot read your blog if you don't post.

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